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Size and Space

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A creature’s size indicates how large their token should be in Roll20. This represents the space a creature controls during Combat. Most player characters have a size of 1, though Peacecraft have a size of 2. Driftlings can use their Change Form special ability to adjust their size.

Creatures cannot pass or occupy enemy-controlled spaces. Allied creatures can pass through each other’s spaces but cannot occupy the same space. Creatures can typically only make Attacks using the Melee skill against creatures who are in adjacent spaces. For example: 

  • Creatures with a size of 1/4 occupy 1/4th of a square.
  • Creatures with a size of 1 occupy 1 square.
  • Creatures with a size of 2 occupy 4 squares in a 2 x 2 formation.
  • Creatures with a size of 3 occupy 9 squares in a 3 x 3 formation.
  • And so on… 


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